Bollettino di Criticità del 03 marzo 2025 ore 14:07

Per la giornata di oggi, Lunedì 3 marzo 2025:

Per la giornata di domani, Martedì 4 marzo 2025:

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Browsing the map it is possible to check which meteorological phenomena relevant to civil protection purpose are expected in the place of your interest. Specifically, these phenomena may have an impact on the territory or on the population.
It is possible to search for a specific address on the map, by typing the address in the search bar or, by clicking on the corresponding symbols in the upper part of the map, you can perform further operations to improve the navigation ( increase or reduce zoom, color transparency).
By clicking on the desired location, it is also possible to know the name of the supervisory area, the municipalities included and obtain information on the expected rainfall levels. It should be noted that the information box does not specify all the characteristics of precipitation and all other relevant weather phenomena expected in the area of supervision. This information is only displayed on the general map.
The bulletin of national criticality/alert is a summary of criticality assessments issued by the Decentralized Functional Centers of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces. The map of the bulletin is divided into alert zones, homogeneous territorial areas in terms of type and intensity of weather phenomena that may occur and their effects on the territory.
For each alert zone, the map shows the highest level of criticality/alert. In case of a similar level, the hydraulic risk is represented first, followed by the thunderstorm risk and then, the hydrogeological risk. In order to simplify the bulletin reading, the names of the alert zones are reported in full in the text, with the exception of areas identified by Regions and Autonomous Provinces with an acronym.
The correspondence between the levels of criticality, provided for by the Directive of the President of the Council of Ministers of February 27, 2004, and the levels of alert is defined in the Operational Directions for the standardization of messages of the National Warning System of February 10, 2016. In the same Operational Indications the term “alert” is associated with the color codes (yellow, orange, red) corresponding to the levels of criticality (ordinary, moderate, high).
The forecast of criticality/alert for the thunderstorm risk was introduced with the Operational Directions of February 10, 2016. For this risk the criticality/red alert is not provided because, in this case, these phenomena are associated with intense and widespread disturbed weather conditions that already characterize the scenario of criticality/red alert for hydrogeological risk. Also, effects and damages are the same.
Some Regions and Autonomous Provinces may have not yet adapted to the Operational Directions of February 10, 2016. In relation to the forecasts of criticality/alert not available, in the information box displayed when you click on the map, is reported “assessment not transmitted”.